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Message to The Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines - Washington D.C.

The Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines - Washington D.C. - Filipino  in Washington DC

The Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines - Washington D.C.

Government of the Philippines
(202) 467-9300
(202) 467-9300

About The Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines - Washington D.C.

The Embassy is the principal representative of the Philippine Government in the conduct of its relations with the Government of the United States of America. In this capacity, the Embassy promotes the foreign policy thrusts of the Philippines, to wit:

Promotion of closer and mutually beneficial bilateral ties -between the Philippines and the United States;
Promotion of national security;
Promotion of economic diplomacy to support national development;
Promotion of rights and welfare Filipinos overseas;
Promotion of Philippine culture; and
Promotion of a positive national image

The roles and responsibilities of the Embassy cover the following:

Managing relations with the US government at the federal level through the White House, the National Security Council (NSC), the Department of State and other federal agencies, and with the U.S. Congress;
Managing linkages with state and local-level governments in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia, and the District of Columbia;
Representing the Philippine Government and its agencies responsible for policy vis-à-vis Washington-based international organizations such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the International Finance Corporation (IFC), among others;
Representing the Philippines in international conferences, symposia and fora;
Managing ties with US-based constituencies that are of use in advancing the national interest.
Monitoring U.S. policies on various regions especially Southeast Asia, Northeast Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America.


Primary Office Location

pin Bataan Street, Corner 1600 Massachusetts Ave., NW Washington DC 20036

pin (202) 467-9300

Social Media

Twitter page for The Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines - Washington D.C. - Filipino  in Washington Instagram page for The Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines - Washington D.C. - Filipino  in Washington Facebook page for The Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines - Washington D.C. - Filipino  in Washington
Message The Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines - Washington D.C.
(202) 467-9300