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Message to Philippine Honorary Consulate in San Diego, California

Philippine Honorary Consulate in San Diego, California - Filipino  in San Diego CA

Philippine Honorary Consulate in San Diego, California

Government of the Philippines
(619) 241-2114
(619) 241-2114

About Philippine Honorary Consulate in San Diego, California

The office of the Philippine Honorary Consulate for San Diego provides consular services in San Diego, promotes trade, tourism and diplomacy between Philippines and the United States, and promotes the interests of the Filipino community. Please contact us at 619-241-2114 or [email protected]. We do not check Facebook messages regularly or use it for official business. We are by appointment only


Primary Office Location

pin 701 B Street, Suite 1745 San Diego CA 92101

pin (619) 241-2114

Social Media

Facebook page for Philippine Honorary Consulate in San Diego, California - Filipino  in San Diego
Message Philippine Honorary Consulate in San Diego, California
(619) 241-2114