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Message to Philippine American Medical Association of Georgia

Philippine American Medical Association of Georgia - Filipino  in Jonesboro GA

Philippine American Medical Association of Georgia

(478) 718-3581
(478) 718-3581


Health Charity Medical Non Profit
Practice Areas

About Philippine American Medical Association of Georgia

Philippine American Medical Association of Georgia Mission:

1. To provide Continuing Medical Education to Doctors and Allied Professionals, both in USA and in the Philippines.
2. To continue Medical- Surgical Mission to the Philippines every 2 years.
3. To provide Need based Four year College Course Scholarship for deserving Filipinos in the Philippines.
4. To provide Fellowship to our Filipino American Community during our Annual dinner dance to benefit the Medical- Surgical Mission.
5. To help Foster Good health to our Community by Physical Activities and Sports.
6. To help support the“ Books to the Barrios” Project of the Auxiliary and Santa Barbara Medical Mission.
7. To promote the Philippine American Cultural Center in Georgia (PACG)


Primary Office Location

pin 382 Emerald Trace Jonesboro GA 30236

pin (478) 718-3581


Social Media

Instagram page for Philippine American Medical Association of Georgia - Filipino  in Jonesboro
Message Philippine American Medical Association of Georgia
(478) 718-3581