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Message to Gabriela New York

Gabriela New York - Filipino  in New York NY

Gabriela New York

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Human Rights
Practice Areas

About Gabriela New York

GABRIELA New York (formerly known as Filipinas for Rights and Empowerment [FiRE]) is a mass-based women’s organization serving New York City and its surrounding areas. We connect the Filipino diaspora to the women’s struggle in the Philippines. We are women of Philippine descent, including those who are migrants, immigrants and US-born. We recognize Filipino women of mixed heritage and adoptees. GABRIELA New York is a LGBTQIGNC-(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex and Gender Non-Comforming) friendly organization that is inclusive of transgender people of Philippine descent.

We are a proud member of GABRIELA-USA, the first overseas chapter of GABRIELA Philippines.

GABRIELA New York is a member of BAYAN-USA, an alliance of progressive Filipino groups in the U.S. representing organizations of students, scholars, women, workers, and youth.


Primary Office Location

pin New York NY

Social Media

Instagram page for Gabriela New York - Filipino  in New York
Message Gabriela New York