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Message to Filipino Association of Greater Kansas City

Filipino Association of Greater Kansas City - Filipino organization in Overland Park KS

Filipino Association of Greater Kansas City

(816) 888-4416
(816) 888-4416


Cultural Non Profit

About Filipino Association of Greater Kansas City

The Filipino Association of Greater Kansas City is a not-for-profit, non-political, and non-sectarian organization established to preserve, promote, and enhance Filipino culture through education and cultural arts, and to provide service to the community at-large through its projects and programs.

The Filipino Association always has a full slate of ongoing activities, whether it is teaching and promoting our culture, working and fundraising in the community, or hosting events to celebrate our hard work.


Primary Office Location

pin 9810 W 79th St Overland Park KS 66204

pin (816) 888-4416

Social Media

Facebook page for Filipino Association of Greater Kansas City - Filipino organization in Overland Park Instagram page for Filipino Association of Greater Kansas City - Filipino organization in Overland Park
Message Filipino Association of Greater Kansas City
(816) 888-4416