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Message to Anakbayan San Diego

Anakbayan San Diego - Filipino  in San Diego CA

Anakbayan San Diego

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Human Rights Political
Practice Areas

About Anakbayan San Diego

Anakbayan San Diego (ABSD) is a comprehensive National Democratic youth and student organization. We seek to empower the youth and the community in San Diego by the grassroots educating, organizing, and mobilizing of youth to create systemic change. ABSD seeks to propagate the National Democratic struggle in the Philippines and all principled pro-people’s struggles locally and throughout the world, thereby enhancing the quality of life of Filipin@s and other oppressed peoples nationally—especially the youth and the larger community.

ABSD is an overseas chapter of Anakbayan Philippines and is a member of Anakbayan-USA and BAYAN-USA.


Primary Office Location

pin San Diego CA

Social Media

Twitter page for Anakbayan San Diego - Filipino  in San Diego Facebook page for Anakbayan San Diego - Filipino  in San Diego Instagram page for Anakbayan San Diego - Filipino  in San Diego
Message Anakbayan San Diego